Friday, August 12, 2011

Harry Potter---All the build up for THAT?

I am ready, willing, and able to admit that I am not an avid reader but I am an AVID MOVIE WATCHER.  It should come as no surprise that I have not actually read any of the Harry Potter books but I have seen all of the movies, except the most recent release, at least 20 times.  I watched with great anticipation as each movie ended hoping that the next would reveal the epic battle between Voldemort and Harry, and while I was secretly hoping Voldemort would win I knew that Harry would find a way to beat him (After all, you can’t sell children's books that have the 'hero' losing.  That’s too much like reality and parents won’t stand for that.). 
Imagine my excitement standing in line to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows: Part 2--I have seen the previous 7 movies so many times that I can quote them.  I have so many unanswered questions because I have decided to not read blogs or articles or the books; I want to be surprised by what happens on screen--Which character will end up with whom?  How will Voldemort die?  Is Snape really a villain?  So many questions...and only 2 hours and 10 minutes to answer them.

For the two or three of you out there who have not seen it, I will not answer all of these questions but I will begin a tirade on the most important: The Death of Voldemort.  So, if you can’t handle it, please leave now….
Dear Warner Bros, J.K. Rowling, and all others involved in the making of this EXCELLENT MOVIE SAGA:            How the hell can you  justify making 7 movies that lead to an epic battle between good and evil and have the two heads of each faction only fight for 3 on-screen minutes????!!!!  CMON MAN!!!!! (ß It made me so angry that I actually typed a colloquialism).  I understand that he had to destroy the horcruxes (*sp) and that he had to get his army together to fight Voldemort’s but when they got down to it—after all of the horcruxes were destroyed—Harry killed him in 2 or 3 waves of the wand?  Really?!  That’s how the Merciless Lord Voldemort dies?  By the hand of a high schooler waving his wand, casting a spell or two, and poof, that’s it, he’s gone?!  This is the Hitler of wizards.  He killed people because they didn’t believe in the same philosophy as him.  He killed, dads, moms, babies, animals, EVERYONE.  He was so bad that when he tried to kill Harry as a baby but the spell backfired he still didn’t really die….only his body died but his spirit remained.  Are you telling me that a wizard who is that powerful can really be vanquished with a spell?  That’s as dumb as him actually believing that Draco could/would kill the mighty Dumbledore; anyone could smell the fear on Draco trying to kill a mouse yet we are supposed to believe that Voldemort believes that Draco killed him?  Nu uh….NOT HAPPENING!  

I understand that Voldemort had to lose but I was hoping for more of a Rocky-esque fight where they were casting spells at each other for what seemed like an eternity until they hit each other with a doozy of a spell and both fell on the ground exhausted/knocked out.  Then, Harry would find a way to get to his feet just before Voldemort and WAMMO, hit him with the final spell that would kill him forever.  That would have been a great ending to their story; an ending befitting of the 14+ hours that it would take to watch the previous 7 movies. 

Don’t misunderstand me, the SAGA was excellent--right up there with Star Wars and Lord of The Rings—but I was expecting so much more of a fight between Voldemort and Harry.  I mean I was expecting WWIII and ended up getting the equivalent of a slap fight between 2 frat boys at a beer pong table.  An anti-climactic ending to the best build up of a story…EVER. 

Rating, rating, rating:  I am obligated to give it my 'go the movies AND buy it on Blu-Ray' rating because it is the end cap to a  great SAGA....but that damn fight scene still pisses me off! 

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