Saturday, August 27, 2011

Colombiana: Hoping that it goes well for Zoe wont find me doing this often but I am actually rooting for the underdog with this post. 

I say underdog because 'Colombiana' its going up against the unlikely juggernaut, 'The Help', along with other previously released movies AND this weekend's new releases: 'Our Idiot Brother' (Paul Rudd's latest comedic vehicle) and 'Dont Be Afraid of the Dark' (the likely VERY SHITTY horror movie starring Katie 'I was on track to become a great actress before I married Tom Cruise and became content to be better known as Mrs. Tom Cruise' Holmes).  Unfortunately for 'Colombiana' Paul Rudd is an established good laugh and will likely draw R-rated visitors that would instead go see Saldana's film (R-rated comedy and PG-13 violent films target the same audience: 15 year old boys <smile>). 

'Colombiana' starring Zoe Saldana opens this weekend to, what I hope will be, stunning reviews.  According to IMDB they spent approx $40 Mil on this film which  means it needs to earn a gross of at least $50 Mil in 3 months to make Saldana a glorified STAR.  Having followed since her debut in 'Center Stage' I am a huge fan; not only is she quite beautiful but she also has TALENT (something sorely lacking in many of today's Hollywood starlets).  But the film wont earn this amount without your help.  Other than Angelina Jolie's 'Salt' and 'Tomb Raider', female action movies usually dont fare well.  In this male dominated society, we have a hard time picturing someone with beauty and grace kicking ass and taking names but when we do take the time to go see these films we go in droves (see box office receipts of the previously mentioned movies as proof). 

So, here is my best pitch to you for seeing 'Colombiana' by Zoe Saldana:
She made you swoon as the blue girl in Avatar, you laughed at her dating misfortune in Guess Who (with newly minted 2.5 Men star Ashton 'dont call me Mr. Demi Moor' Kutcher), and she made fans of all of you Trekkies with her turn as the Spock-loving Uhura in the 'Star Trek' reboot so please, for the love of everything that makes you want more minority actresses that are equal parts eye candy and talent...PLEASE GO SEE THIS FUCKING MOVIE!  

*I will be there this weekend; even if I have to be the person with the 2 year old in the front row taking trips to the potty every 10 minutes*

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