Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Django Unchained...

 WARNING:  This review contains a few spoilers and harsher than usual language.  If you are offended by the use of the 'n' word then I suggest you not read this review.  All others, please enjoy...

Finally got a chance to see the oft heralded and oft criticized Django Unchained. Here's my take on it:

Funny, poignant, gory, most of what you come to expect from a Tarantino film---it had everything except the long dialogue.  There weren't any long speeches in Django Unchained (and that was a disappointment to me as an avid Tarantino fan).

I didn't have a problem with the use of the word nigger (it fit the time period and location of the film) although I do secretly wonder what the actors thought of being called a nigger so many times by their white counterparts. I wonder how they dealt with that off screen.

The acting of Jamie Foxx was decent. Kerry Washington did a descent job with her insanely small part (she was underused).  Watch for small but very funny cameos by Don Johnson and Jonah Hill. Leonardo DiCaprio did an outstanding job as the slave master and Christopher Waltz as the gentleman that helped Django was brilliant. Samuel L. Jackson was the best actor in the film by far.  His portrayal of the head house nigger was enchanting.

Watching Samuel Jackson on screen in this role made me feel like I was getting my money's worth with every word he spoke.  He perfectly conveys the hate and contempt that the house nigger was supposed to have for his slave counterparts.  Jackson even went so far as to give his character 2 ways of speaking. 1 way broken English that he spoke in front of his master and 1 way was very correct very thought out that he spoke to his master in private; it was a brilliant piece of acting that I'm not sure a lot of people caught.

Overall the plot was pretty basic.  the movie was about a man trying to find his kidnapped wife with the help of an assistant who happens to be is employer.there were a few twists and turns a few comedic moments and an overall sense that the movie was trying to be something spectacular but in the end it just fell a little short for me.

I am trying to be a objective because I am very much a Tarantino fan.  Fans of Tarantino's work will love the movie non fans will only tolerate the film. I think the movie is worth seeing once in the theater at a matinee price if you are a Tarantino and if you are not a Tarantino, fan wait for Red Box.

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